Brand Strategy & Positioning


Brand positioning statements are still most commonly used to guide marketing teams and operating decisions for your business. Having a brand statement that differentiates what an organisation does and how it does it still remains as important as ever. Increasingly though, a brand’s purpose and its values have become just as important, especially when applied to encouraging and empowering employee behaviour. Customer Faithful takes customers’ needs and interprets how brand strategy and positioning can reflect them. Where available, we’ll use our Lifelinesinsight to guide this, as well as existing client research about customers.

brand jigsaw
brand jigsaw

More often than not, we’ll recommend a set of brand positioning statements, taking any existing brand guidelines as a starting point, but not restricted to them. In so doing, we’ll also explore the market to see how a revised brand strategy will fit against key competitors, to ensure that our client’s brand is both distinctive and defendable.

How Does Our Brand Positioning deliver value to the business?

The emphasis of our brand positioning work is aligning customer need with employee engagement. The value of doing this is to:

  1. ensure that how the brand describes itself is a natural fit with what customers are seeking
  2. provide a simple guide for how employees can deliver brand values and behaviour in an authentic way
  3. enable internal policies and incentives to reinforce the right behaviours, reflecting both what customers need, and the purpose and commercial goals of the organisation