Online ‘Sprint’ design thinking workshop:
Session 1
Meet the team - a quick round of introductions, so everyone knows who is helping out here, their background and skills.
Set the goal - what are we trying to achieve here? Working backwards, where do we want to be in e.g. 4 weeks time?
Biggest fears - let’s capture them, and not lose sight of addressing them throughout the sprint.
Make the Map - we’ll create together a list of customer types and map out how they interact with your product/service.
We Quiz You - this is where our experts drill into your customer offer to understand how it works - imagine we’re a journalist asking questions. The aim is to be clear on the processes you use.
Reframe problems - let’s look at the core problems that Coronavirus has on your customer offer and how we might flip them into opportunities and a new way of working. Imagination time!
Let’s Vote! - a quick round of scoring to choose the problems to target and which customers would benefit most if they were solved.
By the end of Day 1, you will already come away with some possible ways to redesign your customer offer, to be more resilient in these challenging days of Coronavirus.
Session 2
Research + Demo - start the day by trawling the web to expand what we know about these problems and the challenges they present to your customer offer. This knowledge will support your own thoughts and experience. Whatever is valuable, you will capture by drawing on the virtual whiteboard.
Divide and conquer - before you start to detail what the customer offer will look like, break down the core pieces of it and allocate one to each team member
Sketch time - gather up the notes from yesterday that made the idea appealing. Now, each person uses stick figures to draw the key elements in the customer offer that are changing from what you currently do. You’ll do this a few times, trying to vary the new element to explore options. Each team member will combine their sketches into a single 3-frame cartoon, detailing their piece of the idea.
Gallery Review - we will then go through a few exercises to help choose the cartoon ideas we like the most as a group. This includes discussing their pro’s and con’s, as well as secret voting, until a public vote reveals the winning ideas. Some of the unchosen good ideas will be kept for storage or recycling (stealing some of their best bits to incorporate into the winners!)
Merge or standalone - decide whether the winning ideas can be combined into a single customer offer, or whether they need their own space as standalone improvements.
Storyboard them - this session creates a full length cartoon of the new and/or improved customer offer. We will help you stay true to your idea and not get blown off course.
By the end of Day 2, you will have developed a storyboard for your improved customer offer. This new ‘Corona-proof’ version of your customer offer is really taking shape now, and is tangible enough to start showing customers.
You will have also learned quite a lot about the creativity of your team(!) and you will realise that you can draw! 😃
Session 3
Assign roles for building a prototype - make the best use of your team here, assigning different tasks, according to what they are good at and their job role. We will guide you here, assigning roles for those good at creating processes and policies vs. others who may be better at writing or still others who are born researchers.
Now build it - using the storyboard to guide you, create a working version of your new customer offer. The prototype will vary according to the product/service of course. Redesigning a physical space that customers visit to enable social distancing is very different from communicating a new offer on a website, or moving a previously face-to-face service to a virtual one. Having a team member in the role of Customer Advocate will help keep you focused on the goal.
You will need your Researcher to find assets (images, icons, copy, customer FAQs) so you don’t need to write everything from scratch.
You will assign an Interviewer to create a script that takes a potential customer through the new customer offer to get their feedback (see also Next Steps below)
Finally, you’ll do some Quality Control, to help stitch it together to look consistent and clear, as well as feeling on-brand. Integrate existing brand messaging to help do this.
Make a list of ‘customers’ to test it with - write a list of people you would like to help you review the new customer offer. They could be real customers, colleagues, or friends that you trust.
By the end of Day 3, you will have created a prototype that is clear enough to be able to test it with would-be customers.
Next Steps
With the workshop now completed, you’ll need to arrange to conduct the interviews.
This is something that you can either do yourselves, or we can handle this for you, finalising the interview script, running the event and reporting back on findings and recommended changes. (clients can watch the interviews live via viewing screen and/or a recorded video.
If required, we can also support you with ongoing advice and coaching on implementing your customer offer, training colleagues and marketing activity to promote your proposition.